Latest messages of Love

Sunday 1 July 2018
Look only to the Truth, My children, and see Me in those that you meet.  Do not allow yourselves to be taken in by the lies of this world that preaches a gospel of self.  See your brothers and sisters as you would see Me and do not be afraid.
Trust only in Me, My children, read My Gospels so that you will know the Truth of My Ways, My Laws and do not allow yourselves to be deceived by the deceivers that lucifer has planted within My Church, within your society and within the governments of this world.
Now believe and have faith in Me.
Do not despair of what is happening but know that I am in control and simply give this world the freedom that it seeks to be allowed to choose whether they want to be with Me or against Me.  Soon now, will come the time when I will give all a final chance to decide and then I shall put an end to the evil of this world.
Trust in Me and believe in the Words that I speak and allow Me to Teach you of My Ways.  Pray for those that are in darkness that they may come to believe in My Truth.
Trust in Me. I Love you.

Tuesday 3 July 2018
Believe, have faith and trust in Me.
Ride the rapids at this time, children, knowing that I am with you in this time of great darkness upon this earth.  Never before, from the creation of mankind, has man wandered so far from his God.
I tell you the Truth, if it was not for the few that follow Me, though the darkness has surrounded them and cut off the light, I would destroy this world like I did with Sodom and Gomorrah.  It is for the few that I do not strike it.  It is their faith in the face of darkness that holds the wrath of your God at bay.
I will give all a chance to return and then I shall remove all those who have decided to reject My pleas for it is they who have chosen to follow lucifer and have rejected My Truth.
My Remnant, prepare!  The time fast approaches when the drought will end and the River of Faith will flourish and bloom across this earth.  The dark will be defeated and My Love will flourish and all mankind will live in Peace in the knowledge of their God. 
Trust in Me and believe.
I Come. I Love you.

Thursday 5 July 2018
Believe in Me, My children, for the time draws so close now when I will put an end to the lies of this world.
I will show all how they have been deceived and this world will be thrown into turmoil.
I will show all the Truth and all will be given a chance to return.
Then, I will cleanse the world and a ‘Time of Peace’ will descend.  All will live in Peace and all will marvel at the splendour of My Creation.
Trust in Me and prepare for My Coming.
Trust in Me.
I Love you.

Friday 6 July 2018
Trust in Me, My children, and believe for I Come.  Do not be caught out by My Coming.  Believe, My children, and prepare for I will send My Spirit to all those who have prepared and My Work will begin in earnest for so many will be in need of My Help through you.  Believe, children, and prepare: die to self, fight the sin in your lives and you will be greatly strengthened when My Spirit touches you.
Believe, children.
I Love you.

Thursday 12 July 2018
Trust in Me, My children, and believe in the Words I speak.  As time passes now, you will have to remain close to Me; this is vital for, if you do not, you will fall away from Me rapidly and be lost to Me.
You have entered the ‘Time of Darkness’ where most will schism, break away from the Truth and walk a path that leads to the gates of hell.
Believe, My children, you are in great danger if you do not listen to Me.
Trust in Me.
I Love you.

Friday 13 July 2018
I am Coming soon, children!
Be ready for soon you will hear My call and the harvest will begin.  Those that have stayed loyal to Me will hear My call to gather together and My Power will flow through all My creation and the evil will be removed.
Pray that you are not a part of that cleansing.
Stay close to Me for it is only through Me that you will remain safe in this time.
Trust in Me.
I Love you.

Monday 16 July 2018
Look to the Truth and only believe in the Words that you find in My Scriptures.  Do not believe in the modern truth for it is lies.
It is you who must change not My Church for what was once sin is still sin.  Even though those who would lead My Church say that you must change and accept those who have given themselves over to sin.
The Truth is if they, who have given themselves over to sin, do not repent then they, by their actions, are giving themselves to the father of lies and will be cast into hell.  This is the Truth that this world does not want to hear.
I say, wake up and see the Truth!
Do not allow yourselves to be dragged into hell by those who only wish to deceive you by their lies.
I Love you, My children, and I Warn you of the danger that surrounds you.
Be aware and stay close to Me and live My Truth.
I am with you! 
Love Loves you.

Tuesday 17 July 2018
My children, look to Me in this time of darkness and see My Truth.
Do not fear but walk forward knowing that I will guide you if you are willing to follow My Truth.
Do not bend to the lies of this world for it will only lead you away from the True Path that leads to Me.
Believe, My children, and see what I say.
Believe in Me.
I Love you.

Thursday 19 July 2018
Come to Me, My children, and do not be afraid of what this world thinks of you for this world first hated Me and will also hate you for following Me.
Simply trust in Me and believe in the Words I give to guide you through these perilous times that you now live in.
Pray much for your brothers and sisters for so many are walking the path to hell freely and they do not care.  It is as if My children have been anaesthetised by the untruth that this world spreads about Me and My Kingdom.
Believe, children, in case you, too, become ensnared by the web of lies that lucifer has cast over this world.
Believe in Me and My Ways!
Trust in Me!
I Love you.

Saturday 21 July 2018
Feast of the King of Love
Look to the Truth, children, and believe the Words I speak for these are perilous times you now live in where lucifer has the power to deceive anyone who does not stay vigilant.
Trust in Me and allow Me to guide you through your prayer and your reading of My Gospels.  If you do not take time to be with Me then I will not be able to strengthen you for it is only through your coming to Me that you give Me the freedom to help you.
Now believe in Me and be assured that I will Come to this world and release it from the evil that now surrounds it.
Trust in Me.
I Love you.

Monday 23 July 2018
Believe, My children, believe in My Love for you and do not be afraid to follow Me in Truth.
I am Coming, children, and soon I will show this world the error of its ways and, if they do not listen, I will be forced to cleanse this earth of the evil that prevents My Light from shining throughout the land.
Now believe, children.
I am Coming.
I Love you.

Tuesday 24 July 2018
Look, My children, at the Words I have already given to you through these, My servants of Love, and you will read the story of the time you now live in.
You will read of the great revolt when man turns against his God.
You will read of the ‘Time of Truth’ where I, your God, will give all a chance to return and you will read of the ‘Time of My Justice’ where I will free My people of the chains of sin that this world has forced upon you.
You will also read of the coming ‘Time of Peace and Love’ and all mankind will marvel and wonder at the Power of his God.
I say read and prepare for what is to come by dying to self and know that I will guide you.
This world is about to enter a time where mankind will reap what he has sown in his greed and lust for power.  Mankind has allowed lucifer to deceive him and now will take on the burden of that deceit.  He has given lucifer the power to move freely and has accepted the technology of lucifer which lucifer has used to destroy My Truth.  It is he who controls your televisions, your internet and uses them to control all mankind. 
Sin is now an every day part of your lives.
Scripture is being fulfilled and you do not see it because you do not read it.
Wake up, children, and read My Words so that you can walk through this time with Me.  I will guide you as I guided My people, Israel, through the desert.
Trust in Me! I Love you.

Wednesday 25 July 2018
Look to Me, children, look to the Truth for I am Life Eternal and anyone who comes to Me will live forever.
Trust in My Words for they are Eternal Life.  They are the Words of Freedom that this world does not understand.
Believe, My children, and do not be afraid for I hold the Words of Eternal Life out to you.  Die to self and you will find the Truth.
All will be revealed the more you fight the sin in your lives.
Believe, My children.
I Love you.

Friday 27 July 2018
Trust in Me and believe in the Words I speak.
Do not be afraid to follow Me.
Do not be afraid to walk this Path of Love with Me for, I tell you, My children, I am close and you are not prepared for My Coming.
Believe, children, before it is too late!
Trust in Me.
I Love you.

Saturday 28 July 2018
Look to the Truth always and see Me in those that you meet for Love is your weapon and the darkness can be overcome with Love.
Do not allow yourselves to be taken in with the lies that are being told of Me and My Laws.
I have not changed and nor have My Laws.
I am Coming to release this world from the lies that are trying to block My Truth from My people.  Those who have infiltrated My Church with their liberal teachings will be pruned and cast into the fire if they do not repent.
Do you think I am a dead God?
Do you think I cannot see what you do in secret?
I give you the freedom that you seek and it is you who choose who to follow by your actions.
I am Coming.
I say: prepare!
Your lives are so short yet you think you live so long.  Stop and think before it is too late.
You must stand before Me and answer for your actions.  Think, children, and take on My Warnings for soon, now, will My Army of Love arise and your lies will be swept aside with the Light of Love that shall flow from their mouths.
Prepare, I approach.
I Love you.

Monday 30 July 2018
Prepare, My children, prepare for My Coming for soon you will see the signs in the sky that I have told you of.  When you see the light that should not be, then know that I am close and you have little time left before I will Touch this earth with My Spirit.
Take on My Warnings, children, and prepare for this world cannot survive on the path that it now walks for sin has blinded mankind to the Words of Life and if I do not intervene not one shall survive the lies that lucifer is spreading freely across this earth.
I say prepare, prepare, prepare; die to self, fight against the sin in your lives so that the scales may fall from your eyes and My Truth will be revealed to you. 
Prepare, I Love you.

Tuesday 31 July 2018
Come, My children, and walk this Path of Love with Me. 
Do not allow this world to take you from Me.
Pray fervently every day so that you stay close to Me.
Say My Mother's Rosary so that you may learn to meditate upon My Life, so that you may come to know who I am.
Believe, children, for the “famine of faith” is about to come to an end and this world will begin to see who I am and who they have rejected.
Believe, My children, in My Words of Truth.
Read My Gospels and realise that Love is your only weapon.
I am a God of Miracles and the ‘Time of Miracles’ fast approaches.
Trust in Me.
I Love you.

Tuesday 31 July 2018
Embrace Me, My children, for I am deep within your heart. 
Close your eyes and look for Me.
I am the sigh within you when no one understands, when there is nowhere else to turn. 
I Am is in you.
I Am calls to you for I wish to be more than that sigh within you.
I wish to be more to you than the One you run to when you fall, or when the world does not understand.
I ask for your love this day: I ask that you accept My Love into the deepest part of you, where I am.
My Heart is a Sea of Love that has no depth; My Forgiveness has bottomless depths.
This day I approach you as a Father who seeks you to come home to Him so that He may Love you.
My Heart is driven by Love of you: let Me draw you.
8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
James 4:8


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